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"They both took their dreams and laid them to sleep 
soon after their children were born.
Because you need to provide kids a stable environment, 
you need to be steady and strong.
But occasionally he will wake up his dreams 
to see how they feel in his hands, 
Then he puts them away and goes to work the next day 
an ordinary family man."

"She never thought twice about devoting her life 
to take care of her daughter and son.
She works every night at a job she don't like, 
she does whatever needs to be done.
Occasionally she will dress up her dreams 
and ask them if they'd like to dance.
And for an hour or so she lets herself hold 
the beautiful dreams in her hands."

"They sit with each other, they wait and they wonder, 
On the day their first grandchild is born.
The dreams seem so distant, now everything is different. 
They know they are right where they belong.
The child is past two then, a light passes through them,
They both know, they both understand.
As they cradle that baby, they think they just may be
An ordinary woman and man
Who are holding their dream in their hands."

"Ordinary people will lay down their dreams knowing they may not see them again.
They do it for their families with strength and dignity, ordinary women and men.
Ordinary women and men."

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Sound Clip from
Two Vagabonds In Disguise
Ordinary Women and Men
lyrics and music by Don White
copyright 1992
vocals by Maria Sangiolo
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Ordinary Women and Men
Please note that all songs here 
are for previewing only.
These songs are copyrighted to Don White. 
If you enjoy what you hear, 
please purchase the music.  
Thank you.
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