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graphic of a magician pulling money out of a hat.
graphic of a dancing 2 dollar bill.
graphic of a dancing 2 dollar bill.
graphic background for text.
The odds of me getting that Megabucks **
Are five, six, seven, eight million to one
The odds of me getting rich on what they're paying me
Make eight million to one look like a real sure thing.
I get paid on Friday.  Oh yeah
I buy a quart of Budweiser.  Oh yeah
I don't believe in this work hard to get ahead stuff
You know, I believe in the Megabucks.
graphic of man in bed dreaming about money.
graphic of a man-like figure made out of money.
graphic of a man-like figure made out of money.
graphic of man frolicking in a pile of money.
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link button to Don White's website
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Sound Clip from Two Vagabonds In Disguise
lyrics and music by Don White, copyright 1992.
Please note that all songs here are for previewing only.
These songs are copyrighted to Don White.
If you enjoy what you hear, please purchase the music.
** Links to the Massachusetts Megabucks Lottery
are for informational purposes only and should not be viewed
as an endorsement by Simple and True or Don White.

graphic of man on ladder with a stack of money.
graphic of man throwing money in the air.
graphic - man with wheelbarrow full of money.
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graphic of dollar bill.
graphic of dollar bill.
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